Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Fawlty Towers

Watch this video from the BBC series Fawlty Towers:

Now answer these questions:

1. Manuel understands un, dos, tres, but Basil had really said ______ ________ ____________
2. Can you find a grammatical mistake when Manuel speaks English?
3. The woman says: “Why did you __________ you could speak ________ ________________?”
4. What Spanish did Basil learn?
5. According to Basil, what Spanish does Manuel speak?

Now, why don't you watch more videos from this series? They're fun!


  1. Hey I'm so glad to see that somethings never change! But you swore a pact to the devil, didn't you?? You both (+ esther) look exactly the same!!
    I keep loving your teaching methods,But hey, you could have done this 15 years ago instead of the hound of the baskervilles!! lol.
    Will you remember who I am??
    Sonia M. Valeiras

  2. And yes "somethings" is a typographical mistake!!!!

  3. Of course I remember you, Miss Mohdeb! Or maybe you're not "Miss" anymore?

  4. Oh well,I guess you will keep calling me Miss for a while!!! haha.

    I thought this video could be interesting,so there go my two cents!

    BBC - My Blackberry is not working!


    So cool you still remember me.
