Monday, March 1, 2010

Passive voice and Conditional sentences

Can you rewrite these sentences using the Passive voice?

1) My mother rescued three cats.
2) The students handed in the essays.
3) Maria bought the blue car.
4) Alex learnt the poem by heart.
5) Steven has forgotten the title of the book.
6) Has the mechanic repaired the DVD recorder?
7) They don't play handball.
8) Sue put the purse on the floor.
9) The girls have not lost the match.
10) The teacher is not going to open the window.

And now, can you form a conditional sentence (type I, II, III)? Watch the verbs in bold.

1) If we meet at 9:30, we ....... (to have) plenty of time.
2) Lisa would find the milk if she ..... (to look) in the fridge.
3) The zookeeper would have punished her with a fine if she ..... (to feed) the animals.
4) If you spoke louder, your classmates ..... (to understand) you.
5) Dan ..... (to arrive) safe if he drove slowly.
6) You ..... (to have) no trouble at school if you had done your homework.
7) If you .....(to swim) in this lake, you'll shiver from cold.
8) The door will unlock if you .....(to press) the green button.
9) If Mel ..... (to ask) her teacher, he'd have answered her questions.
10) I .....(to call) the office if I were you.

Good luck if you are studying for your exam.

1 comment:

  1. Talking about the zookeeper, watch the trailer for The Zookeeper
